People who suffer from obesity and have obesity are defined as obese.
What does obesity cause?
Obesity, which occurs as a result of unhealthy eating habits combined with a sedentary lifestyle, is the starting point of many health problems. These include sleep apnea, asthma, polycystic ovary syndrome, diabetes, hypertension, gallbladder diseases, gout, fatty liver disease, osteoarthritis, irregular menstruation, breathing difficulties, migraine and various types of cancer. It is also a trigger for psychological problems due to aesthetic deprivation caused by excessive weight gain.
What are the important points in obesity treatment?
Obesity, which seriously reduces the quality of life, is a chronic disease that can be treated. Obesity treatment should be personalized. In the treatment of obesity; medical nutrition (diet) therapy, exercise therapy, behavior change therapy, drug therapy, surgical treatment methods are applied. Obesity treatment should be in cooperation with physicians, dieticians, psychologists and physiotherapists. Obesity can also be treated with surgical methods. Memorial Health Group Obesity Centers help patients in this regard.
Does obesity cause cancer?
Obesity can lead to an increased risk of cancer. Considered among the most risky diseases, obesity can trigger cancer and threaten a person’s health. In particular, obesity predisposes to breast, pancreatic, colon, uterine and esophageal cancers.
Is obesity fatal?
Obesity is a strong risk factor for many diseases and early death. The life expectancy of a 25-year-old man with obesity is reduced by 22% and life expectancy is reduced by 12 years.
At what age does obesity occur?
Obesity, which is more common in women, is a disease that can be seen at any age. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, taking unnecessary foods because they make milk; the fact that some of the weight gained at each birth is permanent; the effect of the estrogen hormone that increases adipose tissue combined with a less active life makes it easier for women to gain weight. Today, obesity is on the rise in young children and adolescents due to malnutrition.
Why weight gain?
The most important reason for weight gain is familial predisposition. In addition, the reasons for weight gain can be: education level, lifestyle, work, working conditions, age, gender, eating speed, food choices and the habit of eating ready-to-eat and fast food, alcohol consumption, marital status, divorce, job change, sociocultural status, smoking cessation, psychological status, menstrual cycle and menopause in women.
What is obesity surgery?
Surgical intervention to the digestive systems of patients to treat obesity is called bariatric surgery. How obesity surgery is performed varies from patient to patient.